Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Paintings of the Week - More Sketching with Sharpies

Our task in class last night, again, was to sketch with Sharpies, but we were to draw things that were in front of us in the studio instead of using photographs. Just some fun sketches instead of trying to create masterpieces. Its kinda like coloring with crayons in a coloring book again. Funny how the permanence of the Sharpie ink makes playing easy, instead of pencil lines that fade into the background.

None of these are great pieces of art, but they are fun to look at - nice and loose. My favorite turned out to be the top image. What I like about this one is the violet merging with the burnt sienna and indigo blue. Indigo was one of my favorite pigments, but I think violet might have it beat.

I have noticed a number of the artist blogs I visit show the artist using travel sketch pads filled with watercolor paper. Some use them to journal, but others just like to use pen/ink and pigment for everyday sketching. I purchased my first pad this week, and hope to start using it quite often for quick studies such as these shown in this post. And of course, I will be showing them here.

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