Saturday, September 15, 2012

Saturday Plein Air - Pickerington Ponds

What a beautiful day today! It was chilly to start, but I was loving the cool weather. The skies were really pretty today. We met at the Pickerington Ponds Metro Park area. There are several different areas in this park, and our group was spread out. I chose to paint with Sue and Rich over at the naturalist's office overlooking one of the marshes. I finally got to try out my retro-fitted pastel setup. It worked well!

My first painting went pretty quickly. I was using my homemade surface with the Golden Fine Pumice Gel on mat board. I chose this view across the road with the distant right tree line, and the goldenrod in the front left.

I quickly blocked in the design, then smeared it into the surface:

 Then added the final layers on the top. I am very happy with this painting. I finished this one, and it was only 9:30am! Time to do another.

"Hint of Fall", pastel, 6 x 9
I kept my easel in the same position and turned my body to the west. I liked this distant (very distant) view of the taller tree at the water line.

"The Tree Across the Pond", pastel, 5x7

The plein air season in Ohio is quickly winding down. We only plan on 3 more weeks outside. Seems like we just got started!

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