Saturday, March 03, 2012

Fifth Time's a Charm?

Fifth Time's a Charm, 5x7, oil on board
I recently agreed to participate in a challenge posted on Studio Notes by Terry Miura. It was a 'Simplify! City Challenge' using Terry's photo. I attempted it five times before I was happy with the result.

I recently purchased some Mi Teintes Touch pastel paper. I really had a tough time using it. I generally don't like sanded pastel papers, and thought that the texture of this paper would be the perfect surface. I tried 4 different styles and techniques, but still was unhappy and didn't want to submit any to Terry's challenge.

So, out came the oils. I had painted a piece earlier in the day, and still had some paint on the palette and wanted to use it up. I quickly laid down some basic shapes in a loose manner, then brought out the palette knife instead of a brush.

first pass in loose manner
After working on the design all week long, I decided to just simplify the buildings on the left and make it one building in the distance with trees in front. At first, I felt it was a cop-out because it was an architectural challenge and I removed most of the buildings, but then realized my job was to simplify the buildings and make it into a pleasant composition. I think I accomplished that!


Nancy Van Blaricom said...

I like the outcome of this painting challenge and how you've really simplified.... and a palette knife no less. I really like the light in this one, kinda a moody blue.

Also .... come on !!! ..... 4 pochade boxes??? *giggle How fun to have one for any occasion. I'm looking forward to having a little warmer weather so I can get out and use mine. Its starting to warm up some now but we are having a lot of wind.

Nancy L. Vance said...

Tee Hee - yes - 4. My big Guerrilla box is setup with my pastels, the tiny 5x7 Guerrilla pocket box is for a simple get-up and go occasion, the newest EasyL Prochade is for my trips via airplane, and the bigger EasyL works really well when I am working in the studio...

Weather here is not quite warm enough for painting outside yet. The winter has been really mild though - hardly any snow.

Maria Randolph said...

Your struggles really paid off. I like this a lot...great job! Love the palette knife loose effect...

Nancy L. Vance said...

Thank you Maria!

gopher said...

I, too, love the outcome of this painting. The composition and richness of colors is a joy.