It was cool and very very quiet here last night. I have 4 windows in this little room/bath, one has the AC unit. The weather is actually perfect during the day, it is 69 and sunny, with a breeze.
I had to rush thru the B&B breakfast to get to the painting class this morning. Although I didn't try them all, there was baked french toast with nuts, baked eggs and cheese, danish, lots of beautiful fresh fruit, bagels, cream cheese, cereal, etc...
After my class I went out driving around. Went up/over to East Harbor State Park. This is where my parents took us when we were kids to swim. Then Lake Erie was so polluted they had to shut it down for numerous years, and it was finally cleaned up in the 70s, I think. Took a few pics. Then drove up the Catawba Island. Went to one of the fruit stands that has been here forever and got fresh cherries. They had beautiful strawberries, but didn't buy.
Then came back to Lakeside. I got my paints out and sat on the front porch and tried to paint, but it wasn't working. I went down to the pier area again and sat in the sun for about an hour. Some of those pics show that.
The pics below of the bandstand, was last night's concert in the park with a celtic band. Tonight, at the auditorium next door, is a concert, but it is gospel, so I doubt I will go. Tomorrow's concert is a brass band.