Saturday, September 27, 2014

Saturday Plein Air - Palmos' The Land

Once again the Palmos' invited us to their family's rural retreat, "The Land". It was a fabulous morning at 60 degrees with a bright clear fall sky. By the time we left, it was about 78 degrees. We had a great turn out and everyone got to work:

Mad was official tour guide in her speedy golf cart:
I setup near the dock and looking across the lake at the weeping willow. I enjoy painting willows. My painting from last year here of the willow sold at one of the art fairs.

 We setup our critique session in the shade by the old boat house:
By the time we finished, there were some lovely clouds overhead:
Here's some other shots of the compound:

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Saturday Plein Air - Sharon Woods Metro Park

Today we painted at the Apple Ridge picnic area of Sharon Woods Metro park. It was a fabulous fall day! Bright sun, breezy, and lots of sounds of the insects in the meadow. The goldenrod was brilliant and the asters were lovely. Some of the leaves are just starting to show fall colors.

AND we had 11 wild turkeys feeding beside us while we painted!!

I decided to paint the distant view of the brighter green tree and the goldenrod in the foreground.

"Time for Fall", 8x10, oil

Wednesday, September 03, 2014

Zanesville Museum of Art Exhibition

I am super excited to report that my pastel, "River Snag" was accepted into the Zanesville Museum of Art's 70th Annual Exhibition. "Of the 175 outstanding works of art entered this year, representing 40 cities across Ohio, 61 works by 59 artists were accepted."

October 11 , 2014 - January 3, 2015