Sunday, May 01, 2016

My First Pastel Workshop

Some friends have been pushing me to hold a pastel workshop so I finally did! I decided to organize an invitational pastel workshop with some of my painting buddies. I wanted some honest input from them at the end. They all gave me a thumbs up to do it again!

This time, it was held this weekend in the lovely rolling hills in Ohio's Amish country. I rented a 7 bedroom house on the top of a ridge, which had a nice area to work in a converted garage. Here is the view and some of our neighbors:

We met on Friday evening and worked until late afternoon Sunday.  Here's the gang!

Here are some of the exercise examples I had prepared ahead of time, along with some of my weekend's demos. We were working in pastels on sanded paper with wet underpaintings.

Several of the students were so dedicated, I had to drag them out of the studio at 9pm Saturday night.

We had a great time, and they produced some great art!

If anyone is interesting in scheduling a workshop by me in your venue, please let me know!


  1. I wish that I could have bern there. You are n your way!

  2. Looks like a great time. Congrats!
