Sunday, January 04, 2015

Nine Days of Painting

I took some vacation time over the holidays and had 11 days off. After two days, I decided I needed to spend each of the remaining days doing some kind of art, even it is was just a sketch or experiment.

"Rachel" from a couple days ago was the first. Here are all of them. It was difficult to decide on a design each day, and some are really poorly done, but it was a good learning tool.
Day 1 - Rachel
Day 2 - using up the paint on my palette from day 1
Day 3, pastel
Day 4 - Conte crayon
Day 5 - after two failed attempts at other subject matter, I ended up just applying pastels in a random design.
Day 6 - attempted a watercolor in my travel sketchbook, of the Downton Abbey castle. I could not get the watercolor to look right, so had to finish with gouache.
Day 7 - oil still life with items from thrift store
Day 8 - "Daisy" oil applied with painting knife.
Day 9 - I really wanted to complete this as a 9x12 oil, but I had to wipe out 3/4  of the painting. I can easily cut this one down to a 6x6 (canvas on gatorboard).
And here is the whole collection:

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