Saturday, July 12, 2014

Saturday Plein Air - Emily Traphagen Preserve

Another lovely Saturday! We painted at Emily Traphagen Preserve today. Last year when we painted there, there was an incident with a rabid coyote that the rangers had to take care of before we could enter the park. Today, no incidents!

I remembered a neat old tree from last year that I wanted to try to paint. I didn't find the exact tree, but one very similar. It was covered in poison ivy, but I left most of it off. I also wanted to make the focal point the interesting top area so painted that more like a drawing and left the bottom area very loose and abstract.

There is several hollow areas in this tree, and I enjoyed watching the red headed woodpeckers going in and out.

When I first setup, the sky was overcast, so I didn't bother to get the painting umbrella out of the car. Once I got started painting the sun came out bright and I had to work quickly and finished this one in about an hour. I was medium rare and had to get into the shade. I did some minor adjustments after I got home.

I had a specific frame to use for this painting, so I thought a thin tall shape would be a good way to capture this interesting tree.
I did a second quick painting while I was at the park which was on some used paper. Once I worked on the sky area, the underpainting was pretty interesting so didn't do much else. It is shown in the top of the photo below.

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