Sunday, February 02, 2014

Painting with the Gang at the MAC

We finally had a break in the weather and I decided to meet up with the group at the MAC to paint on Saturday morning. As usual, I wasn't the first one to arrive and everyone had a good start before I even setup. I brought my tiny little pastel setup with my Judsons 5x7 Pocket Box. And since I arrived late, I only worked on a little 4x6 piece of 400 grit UArt sanded pastel paper.

There were several still lifes setup on the table, and I chose the teacup, teapot and sake pot. You can see the setup in the photos with the red arrow. Process shots below:


1 comment:

  1. Lovely. I like the coolish palette and the dry-brushy feel.
    I have a ThumBox too--should get it out and use it!
