Thursday, July 04, 2013

Meeting Carl Judson

I've owned many products from Judson's Art Outfitters since I started plein air painting. They are all top notch, high quality products. Recently when I read that Carl Judson was on a road trip and that he would be making a stop in Columbus, Jim Glover and I made arrangements to meet with Carl over dinner.

 He has quite the mobile storefront in his van. I purchased some of his inventory and we had some dinner and lots of good conversation.
 Carl was showing off one of his original pochade boxes that is his favorite.

 Jim showed him some of his paintings and the "palette garage".
Carl showed some of his recent paintings. I enjoyed his clean colors and interesting compositions of common objects.
I'd shared some photos of some of my paintings with Carl and I had brought my 5x7 Judson's Pocket Box which I had retrofitted with my pastels as shown on my post a couple weeks ago. He thought it was pretty neat that I had made it work for my purpose.

Also, he really liked my "Beets Me" pastel from earlier in the year. He featured my painting on his latest blog post:

Thanks Carl! Safe travels!

1 comment:

  1. Great photo's Nancy ... sounds like the meeting was a lot of fun.

    I went to the 'track my tour' blog and enjoyed traveling along. Loved seeing you beet painting again. I forgot how beautiful it was.
