Saturday, June 08, 2013

Saturday Plein Air - Park of Roses event

Today we painted in Clintonville at the Park of Roses annual event, Stop and Smell the Roses. There were over 40 artists painting today. Nothing like a little competition with some cash to bring out the artists!! The Rose Society was having their own competition in the shelterhouse, and they will be the judges for our art competition. Wish me luck! Last year I won a third place.
8"x16", pastel on Pastelmat
I painted in the Earth Kind garden area where they use no pesticides, etc. It is a lovely spot, less manicured than the formal gardens. The roses smelled lovely. While I was painting, a wedding party came by to take photos among the roses. Beautiful couple, but I didn't take photos of them.

My friend and co-worker, Chris has started doing plein air with me!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my ... what fun the last three blog posts have been. Love the fountain painting and I am obviously not the only one since it sold already ... Wahoo and congratulations.

    Also, how great that your friend and co-worker has chosen to start doing plein air painting with you. Lucky you.

    Great painting with the roses ... beautiful really!
