Saturday, June 22, 2013

Saturday Plein Air - Palmo's "the Land"

We had a fantastic day painting! We were invited to a fellow COPA member's land near Mt. Vernon Ohio. It is about 20 acres which includes a pond, woods, meadows and some interesting buildings. It was a pretty hot day, but I was able to setup in the shade, looking across the pond. I did an oil painting of the view.
forgive the glare!
Then I walked to the other side of the pond and sat on the porch of the blue cabin and used a mini-pastel setup to quickly paint a 4x6 pastel. I painted on a piece of paper that I had coated with black gesso and pumice. I love painting on black surfaces!

I've owned a Judson's Art Outfitters 5"x7" pocket box for a few years, but I never seem to use it. I decided to make it into a tiny pastel kit. I put some NuPastels and most of a half stick box of Sennelier pastels into a plastic container that fit perfectly into the pocket box. I cut a piece of Gatorboard for a board to tape my paper on, and put a small sketchbook in the carry bag to use the pages to protect the paintings when I was finished. Everything fit nicely inside the canvas carry bag that came with the pocket box.

This is my favorite painting of the day. I love it!

Here was the view:
We had our critique and then had a cookout! It was great fun!

 The little blue cabin is hidden in the woods to the left in the picture above.


  1. this just looks like so much, and what a wonderful spot! I just MUST clear a Sat. and join you sometime.
    Your painting is beautiful!
    Is that Sally Molnar I saw in one of your pics? Didn't realize she does plein air.

  2. Yes, you MUST! We have a great time!

  3. Love both paintings you were able to accomplish, but I think the pastel was my favorite also. Looks like a lot of fun.
