Saturday, February 02, 2013

iPad Mini and Snow Painting

I bought an iPad Mini last week and have been figuring it out. Today I used it to display the photo to paint while using the Accuview app. You can see the grid and the value checker that is in the app. You can move the value checker around and resize it. I think it will take some practice to really use this tool correctly, but it was really nice to work from the digital photo..

I'm still enjoying creating my textured surfaces and this week found Peter Davidson's pastels online. He uses a homemade surface also, generally with a dark background. I decided to try this too, but using black gouache to tone my surface. You can see process shots following.

I really like how this one turned out. (I'm also trying out the Blogger app and need to figure out how it works!)


  1. This one is amazing.. This scene works so well with the textured surface.

  2. Did you use the app to post these photo?
    Do you need to have your photos hosted to an online web address?

  3. I used two different apps for painting and posting.

    The Accuview app is the one with the grids and value finder. Use that to open a photo on your iPad and use as a reference for painting. I still need to learn more about this app.

    Then I used the Blogger app for the blog post. The photos either need to be on your iPad, or you can take photos with the iPad while inside the app and post those. There is only the minimum of options on this app, so if you are used to the full range options of Blogger on the computer (like me), keep in mind the app is for quick posts.
