Saturday, November 03, 2012

Saturday Class - Still Life, Fruit with Vessel

Today we painted a still life with a grisaille underpainting. Most of my work while at the class was taking my time with the underpainting. I need to learn to slow down.

I got the orange mostly done, and part of the apple, but my teacher helped a bit with the apple. This evening, I finished the rest at home. In my photo, there is a bit of glare on the vessel, (top middle left), but the rest is pretty true.
"Fruit with Vessel", oil, 8x10, stretched canvas


  1. Wow. Great job on this one.
    I've only done grisaille on a watercolor and I had pretty good results with it. Did you need to let the grisaille dry before adding color?

  2. Thanks Nancy!
    No, we didn't wait. The underpainting was very thin and transparent. The color layers were heavier paint, but you have to lay it down and not mush it around much or else the underpaint would make it muddy.
