Saturday, June 23, 2012

Plein Air Saturday–Lobdell Reserve

We painted today in a remote, quiet place – Lobdell Reserve near Alexandria. No sound of traffic - just the sound of the trickling creek, woodpeckers and happy birds. Most of us painted down in the creek bed. The water was a deep reddish brown from iron in the rocks. Hard to paint that color for it to read correctly in a painting!

This week, I had finally found the setting on my camera that was causing me big headaches and turned that off. My photos today seem very true. Finally!

I was interested in this dark shadow on the wall across the creek. I did a quick 5x7. The light was changing quickly.

My painting is hard to understand if you don’t know the scene.

I walked back to the car to get my water bottle, and saw this view down the lane from the parking lot. I decided to work on a value painting using Ivory Black and white. I like this painting much better then the first one.


  1. What a beautiful place to paint! And really good paintings too. When I saw the last one, the value study I gave a long "ooooooh."

  2. Thanks Dianne! I liked that one too! Actually, I think it was much easier and more fun painting that way. It is a very good exercise that I need to do more often. I may paint that scene bigger in color later.

  3. What a great year for Plein Air in Ohio! Beautiful crations, as usual. Love the gray scale.

  4. Hi Nancy, Wow, what a beautiful place - I really love especially that tree lined black+white scene-lovely!!!
