Saturday, July 09, 2011

Playing with Grounds

I've been experimenting with grounds, size, and gesso. I had been given a huge pile of mat board cutouts and wanted to try to use these for my oil or pastel paintings, since I am not a fan of canvas. I recently tried the approach of using PVA size on the boards, followed by oil painting ground. Both of these products are by Gamblin. I use Gamblin oil paints exclusively and love the quality. I tried using the ground by itself on panels, but felt the paint 'lifted' as I was painting. So I figured I might need to size the panels first. It didn't seem to make much difference.

The painting below was a quickie painting done on one of these boards. This scene is at Bremerton from my trip in June. I used the Fast Matte oil paints last night. I really didn't like the feel of this surface at all and was going to give up on this one, but today with left over regular oil paints, I finished this up. I think the Fast Matte paint works well for an underpainting, with the regular oils on top. Although it isn't a spectacular painting, I feel I learned a lot from my experiment, both about the surface preparation and the paint. I think I prefer the feel of gesso.

Bremerton - High Tide,  8x10 oil on paper panel


  1. I love this. Brings back many memories.

  2. Ah ha.... the min. I saw the water I knew it was from the PNW. Love it. Typical northwest weather ~ gray.

    Liked seeing how you used your umbrella in the previous post.

    Nice paintings. I'm enjoying reading your thought of the Fast Matte oil's.

    Isn't the internet wonderful, you get to learn sooo much, for free. *giggle.
