Sunday, May 22, 2011


I played around on some small panels using up the paint on my palette from yesterday. Artichoke and baby bok choy. Unfortunately, I waited too long to actually cook and eat these, but I love how the paintings turned out.

Submitted to the Paint Your Vegetables challenge on DPW Challenge site.
"Baby Bok Choy", 5 x 7, oil
"Purple Artichoke", 5 x 7, oil


  1. Well, I was going to comment on the painting (the farm) you posted yesterday, ... but now all I can think about is your artichoke. I love it. The purple with the green is so appealing to me. No, it not just because I'm hungry *giggle.

  2. Thanks! Actually, I like my veggies better than the peony painting. The veggies have been in the frig for a couple weeks, as I originally bought them for the DPW challenge. I purposely bought that artichoke because I loved the purple colors on it. It was too far gone to bother eating it though...

  3. Great artichoke! I have one in the fridge that I am now inspired to paint. Great blog, keep up the great work, Dalan
