Saturday, April 09, 2011

Plein Air - April 9

Finally, our group was able to get out and paint. The weather was a bit warmer today, about 50 degrees with a very dull overcast sky. We painted at Alum Creek State Park, below the dam where the river leaves the reservoir.  I chose a view looking downstream towards the bridge.

I started with a canvas board washed with the Napthol red acrylic wash, as I had done with yesterday's painting. Because the atmosphere was so grey and the landscape so dull, I was hoping it would liven up the painting. Here is my pochade with the completed painting, facing the the view.

This painting is a "ten-footer" painting - it looks much better from 10 feet back! LOL
"Alum Creek", 8 x 10, oil on canvas board

1 comment:

  1. I'm so impressed ... You really did a great job of brightening up this landscape. Its pretty and warm and inviting. I like the "ten-footer" painting idea... I have plenty of them.
