Saturday, January 08, 2011

Back in the Saddle again....

Finally back to painting again. Yes, I had plenty of time to paint on my own, but just couldn't get motivated. The group met today for the first time in weeks. We painted a still life again. 

I bought myself an i-Pod touch recently and wanted to play around with the camera on it. The top photo shows the still life setup and my painting. I used an app on the i-Pod that simulates a HDR camera. It took two shots (one light and one dark) and merged the two to make the photo. You have to keep the camera still as it is taking the shots (which I find hard to do) and the people in the background moved - so there is a bit of blurriness. But compared to a standard shot I took, I think the app does improve the vibrancy of the photo.

The second photo is a bit farther in my painting process. This was taken with just a standard shot.

This isn't one of my best paintings, and I am bored with it, so won't be doing anything more with it. But it was a good exercise to get me painting again!

1 comment:

  1. How cool is that..... I have an iTouch, but no camera. I bought too early... I am so envious. A friend bought his self one of the new ones and durning the holidays at an event we were at he took a video and the voice quality as well as the picture quality was outstanding. Congratulations .. a great gift to yourself.

    Glad to see you got to paint again. You sure you don't want to do anything else to this painting .... Looks like it has potential.
