Thursday, August 26, 2010

Excuses, excuses....

No, I haven't painted for a couple weeks. I had intended to paint while at the MAC art fair last weekend, but I was sick with a cold.

The little art fair in the yard at the MAC was nice and casual. There were maybe 25 artists and several did quite well with sales. Lots of people walked through with their dogs or riding their bikes, on their way to the farmer's market uptown. I went to help out for a couple hours, but the cold got the best of me and went home to take decongestant and sleep the afternoon away.... what a waste of a weekend.

I never get colds! Can't remember the last time I had one... I blame this on visiting the doctor for a routine checkup. I must have touched something the snotty nosed kids had touched. I even used hand sanitizer on the way out of the office! Anyway, once again, I was side tracked from doing artwork.

I finally got the new studio organized and I hung some nice 'picture ledge' type wall shelves so that I can display and rearrange my artwork. And this week, I purchased an artist's H-frame floor easel. I'd been wanting one for awhile but waited until I was more organized after the move. I set it up out in the sun room for now, so I have two very nice places to paint with good lighting.

I had started an oil painting a few weeks ago. It's still in the 'ugly' stage and sits there and taunts me... I need to push past that and finish it up.

No more excuses......

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