Sunday, July 12, 2009

Plein Air Saturday - Coffman Homestead

"Coffman Homestead Catalpa", 8 x 10, soft pastels on suede mat board

Saturday, my plein air group met in Dublin Ohio. Some of the group painted in old Dublin, but a few of us painted in the Coffman homestead park. I wanted to paint this great catalpa tree, with its 'cigars' hanging down. Catalpas are one of my favorite trees.

It was a dreary overcast day and after about an hour or so of painting, the thunder started and it poured all day long. I didn't get my painting done while there, but finished it today. I had originally drawn in the garden gates, but I couldn't capture them, so rubbed them out. Obviously, I tend to paint a bit more yellow than reality. To me, my final painting reminds me of the south, with a high key color and this could almost be interpreted as a live oak with spanish moss.

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