Sunday, April 12, 2009

Different Stroke Painting of the Week - Diana

Ummm. Looks like Diana's friend gained a few pounds over the holiday!

This is my entry into Karin's 'Diana' challenge on the Different Stokes blog. This is pastel pencils on Canson Mi-Teintes paper. I started on her head, and by the time I got down to the dog and her feet, I was tired of working on her!


  1. I really like the blues and pinks you subtle and effective. Diana's companion looks like ME! (Undertall)...wish I could blame it on the holidays.

  2. Yea, perhaps I was mirroring my own figure! hahahaha

  3. great challenge, I also like the added colors.It seem a few of us have the figure problem. I better start on my challenge soon.

  4. Nice work! I like the warm and cool pastels on the toned paper. You did a great job!
